- Harga Pas: Rp 15.500,- / buah
Daftar Harga Grosir
- 1 - 6 Rp15.500,-
- ≥ 6
- Rp12.000,-
Deskripsi Produk
Digital Tasbih.....produk ini terkenalnya....
Tapi berkembang dalam penggunaannya semakin luas, mulai mengitung barang masuk.
menghitung survei ...menghitung data counter ...menghitung acak...
kemudian mengetahui data dan hitungan bacaan....
ya ...mulai dari pengganti tasbih ...sampai urusan ekonomi dan matematika fungsinya....
banyak pilihan warnanya....silakan di order yaa
Keterangan Barang :
Material : ABS
Counter scope:0~99999
The world's smallest commercially available electronic tally counting device.
Adjustable finger strap - discrete - hardly visible.
Tally counter suitable for business, pleasure and many sports.
Counts up to 9,9999 laps, runs, goals, strokes, overs, hits, people, goods delivered etc etc.
For use in cricket, triathlon, baseball, basketball, walking, cycling, parachuting, rifle shooting, bird & bat
watching,also training for almost any sport - football, hockey, stoolball, golf, skater etc.
In business as a crowd counter, storekeeper, stock control, libraries etc etc, whether you are a referee,
umpire, scorer, coach or other official or simply trying to count your own performance,Can also be used
for counting trees, plants, fishing, even karaoke and other singing contests - the list seems endless juding
from the number of people buying them.
Kegunaan :
Ergonomic design
One hand operation
Long-life battery
Easy to read
Easy to use Perfect for self lap counting
Rugged case
Bold display Large function button
Light weight
Ready stock....menerima dropship dan partai besar....